What is a Child Contact Centre?
The Child Contact Centre is a safe, friendly and neutral place where children of separated parents can meet their non-resident parent or family member. The centre aims to help children whose parents have separated and where there is no reasonable alternative way for them to spend time with them. It is a child friendly environment, with toys, games, books and other facilities available.
The centre is part of the National Association of Child Contact Centres, and there is no charge for using the centre, though refreshments are charged at a minimal cost. The Child Contact Centre meets at Vineyard House, 11 Bennett Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3HN.

Child Contact Centre Manager
Jaime Walcott, 07435 788 837
Jaime works part-time as the Child Contact Centre Manager for the Vine. She has recently found her green fingers and enjoys writing. Jaime has three children a girl and two boys.
The UK has one of the highest rates of family breakdown in the Western world with just two thirds of children living with both parents. More than a million children have no contact whatsoever with one or other parent after separation.
Family breakdown has a huge effect on society and business and is estimated to cost the country £49 billion a year. The NACCC is the only charity in the UK dedicated to solving this problem, by providing safe spaces where children can meet the parents they don’t live with.
We oversee more than 400 contact centres across the UK, run by a network of more than 6000 volunteers. Our #LOSTPARENTS campaign aims to raise awareness of the work centres do in keeping children in touch with parents. We have a number of activities planned over the coming year. Have a look at this short film to find out more about what we do and how you can help. www.naccc.org.uk/lostparents
Channel Four's Dispatches programme (shown in January 2014) followed presenter Tim Lovejoy, a divorced father of two, as he investigated the current situation surrounding shared parenting following divorce or separation. 'Sharing Mum and Dad' featured fantastic feedback on the work being done at NACCC's accredited centre in Harpended. It gives a great overview of what to expect from a child contact centre.
Here is some feedback from families who have used The Vine Child Contact Centre:
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